
My name is Sarah Palin and I will be the next president of the US and A when that Negro is gone one way or the other.

I was born on February 11, 1964 and I am still the governor of the U.S. state of Alaska and was the Republican Party’s vice-presidential candidate in the 2008 United States presidential election.

I was a member of the Wasilla, Alaska city council from 1992 to 1996 and the city’s mayor from 1996 to 2002. After an unsuccessful campaign for lieutenant governor of Alaska in 2002, I chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004. I was elected governor of Alaska in November 2006 by defeating the incumbent governor in the Republican primary and then defeating a former two-term Democratic governor in the general election. I am the first female governor of Alaska, and the youngest person elected to the position ever.

I was the Republican Party’s vice-presidential nominee for the 2008 United States presidential election together with that old Senator John McCain, which was won fraudulent and unfairly by the Dems candidates Osama bin Barack and Joe Biden. I was the second woman, and the first Alaskian, to run on the national ticket of either major party.

And I intend to be president of the US and A sooner than later with the help of the Christian Coalition to clean up our glorious country from those communist and Jewish-Muslim dirt so that it will be finally free and Christian 200%.


  1. “Osama bin Barack” LOL

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